To create a child-friendly world where all children are free from exploitation and abuse.
To identify, release, rehabilitate and educate children in servitude through prevention, direct intervention, coalition building, mass mobilization, legal action and for the creation of a child-friendly society where all children are free from exploitation and receive free and quality education.
Many children belonging to the nomadic tribes from Marathwada and Rajasthan were seen in and around the Barshi in Solpaur, Maharashtra. These children were seen begging, stealing, collecting garbage, and also being victims of addiction and sexual harassment. It is not enough to possess a human body, everyone who be able to live a human and dignified life. Mr. Mahesh Nimbalkar has been preaching this attitude to the remote communities of Solapur District. This belief led him to establishment of Snehgram Democratic. He along with his wife, Mrs. Vinaya Nimbalkar taught at a Government School, from which they resigned to teach the under privileged children at Snehgram. Impressed by their efforts, Dr. Vikas Baba Amte, a senior and respected social worker and also a confidant of Anandwan, along with Mr. Kaustubh Amte, helped them in their struggle.
Thinking about building a democratic school of deprived children in the democratic country. Founded in 2015, The Democratic School in Korfale Tehsil- Barshi District- Solapur, Maharashtra (India) We provide a unique alternative to traditional models of education by offering children a self-directed approach to their learning. Students at our school, many whom have slipped through the cracks of today’s regimented test-driven school system, flourish in a nurturing environment that allows them the freedom to chart their own course of learning while fostering emotional growth and inter-personal skills.
At The Snehgram Democratic School, students not only learn the traditional academic subjects, but also valuable lessons about responsibility, problem solving, social justice and most importantly, how to relate to each other. We have always placed great emphasis on student’s emotional well-being, fostering loving, caring relationships and developing a community of engaged learners. It is our focus on community building that encourages students to follow their dreams, contribute positively to society, and become voices for change.
» Children of the nomads and those who beg on streets and traffic signals.
» Children who are orphan and abandoned by their Parents.
» Children of prisoners and criminals.
» Sexually abused children.
» Children of a single Parent.
» Children who belong to untouchable communities.
Snehgram Democratic School admissions are open throughout the academic year. The School believes in the policy of open admission, accepting all applicants who are capable of full participation in the School's program and would become self-directed, autonomous members of the School's community. Applicants must be at least five years old.
The School believes in one simple fact — the survival of every species depends on the driving ambition of its young to develop the skills they need to thrive as effective adults in the world. Snehgram Democratic offers each student a place to fulfill their ambition and discover their strength and unique points of excellence.
The Snehgram democratic does not force education into children’s minds. They learn each subject in a more playful manner. The children learn little by little and ass all the knowledge to discover a bigger picture. They learn not just from books, but by talking to fellow classmates, other people, adults, field visits, and their own experience which they never knew to account for so much.
Into the world
When students leave they are well-prepared for their next chapter in life. Many opt to continue their education and enroll in colleges and universities. Many dive directly into the professional world of business, trades, arts, crafts, and technical vocations. The school offers a graduation ceremony to students who seek a high school diploma and have been enrolled for at least three years.
Students can spend all of their time however they choose. They can choose to play outside all day, or indulge in art all day. They can have conversations with fellow classmates all day. They can choose to dabble in a hundred different things. Nobody judges or is evaluating them. They are awarded the space and time they need to discover themselves and develop their passions. They can learn about themselves, how to function as a part of a community, and how to learn new things. They are allowed to grow and be intellectually, emotionally, and physically healthy.
Students are afforded the same rights as adults and are treated like normal human beings. No adult is an authority — the only authority is the written book of law, to which kids and adults are equal. This book of law protects the rights of school members, such as the right to be free from harassment, the right to decide what happens to your own body, and the right to speak one’s mind. At The Snehgram Democratic School, kids’ voices are heard and their opinions are taken seriously. They learn respect when they experience being respected.
Because nobody instructs them what to do, tells them what is supposedly right and wrong, and they are not supervised all the time, students are responsible for their own behavior and their own educations. They decide where to invest their mind and money, when to eat, who to lend their belongings, and whether or not to obey rules. This is a huge responsibility. There is no one else to blame if things go wrong. Students learn to own up to their actions, learn from them and strive to do better in the future.
Away from all the prying and protective eyes of parents and policymakers, students can create their own path and become unique individuals. They are allowed to grapple with the problems of childhood — like boredom, mistakes, and conflicts with friends — without a protective adult rushing in to take over. They only receive help if they ask for it. At The Snehgram Democratic, students are becoming independent and efficient adults, capable of directing their own lives and making their own decisions.
Snehgram Democratic is democratically governed for two reasons. First, we believe that to function well in a democratic society, people should be given the exposure at a tender age to experience its power and understand their own responsibilities. Second, we believe in the liberty and equality that a democratic learning environment allows; rights and freedoms to be distributed equally to all, regardless of age or role.
Student Council is the governing body of the school and makes all decisions affecting the day-to-day running of the school. Younger members often begin by participating only in decisions that affect them personally, but this model supports them to eventually take an interest in issues that affect the whole community and become proactive and take initiative.
Students have the power to make their ideas a reality. Free from the confines of a curriculum, they can procure whatever materials they need using the school’s budget, or request instructions either from on-site staff or outside professionals. They can organize their own field trips to any place, from the local arboretum to a distant national park.
Students here have the same administrative power equal to that of the staff. They can be elected to committees and positions of authority. They learn to become leaders and to bring change in their communities and beyond.
Beneficiary: Ajit Foundation (अजित फाउंडेशन)
Bank: ICICI Bank Ltd
Account No: 034101001838
IFSC No: ICIC0000341
MICR Code: 413229052
Beneficiary: Ajit Foundation (अजित फाउंडेशन)
Bank: Union Bank of India
Account No: 378302010553114
IFSC No: UBIN0537837
Society Reg No: Maharashtra/1318/2006
Trust Reg No: F-18180 (Solapur)
Tax Exemption 80G Reg No: PN/CIT-IV/Tech/80g/AF/4/2012-13/180 (Date: 11 April, 2012)
Deputy Director of Education (Pune Division Pune-1) Outward No. DDE/Prim-02/Self finance school/Recognition/Pune Division/2016/
The office of Education Deputy Director, Pune-01 Date: 8 August, 2016
School No. 1590
U-DISE No. 27300207003
Snehgram, At post Korfale, Tehsil Barshi, District Solpaur - 413401, Maharashtra (India)
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